31 Marzo 2016 09:24

Una borsa di studio del CERN per far “collidere” arte e scienza


Arte e scienza sono vie per esplorare il significato dell’esistenza, sono perfettamente conciliabili: anche per questo tre mesi di residenza d’artista, una borsa di studio da circa 14mila euro e la possibilità di esplorare una frontiera affascinante, proprio al confine tra arte e scienza sembrano una possibilità interessante, e la offre il CERN di Ginevra … [leggi tutto].

Particle physics and the arts are inextricably linked: both are ways to explore our existence, what it is to be human and our place in the universe. The two fields are natural creative partners for innovation, research and development.


COLLIDE International Award is a major international residency programme organized as a collaboration between CERN (Geneva) and FACT (Liverpool). It provides a unique opportunity for artists to spend dedicated time in one of the most important laboratories in the world where crucial questions about nature and matter are addressed. COLLIDE aims to encourage curiosity and to offer experimental and open-minded artists an extraordinary framework to inspire creativity both within the sciences and the humanities. Ultimately, COLLIDE proposes to transform the way art and science encounters are understood, and to challenge new ways of dialogue and enquiry between the two.
