afNews 28 Settembre 2022 02:02

Anniversari: Al Capp b.1909 segnala: ‘Al Capp’ was the pen name of Alfred Caplin (28 September 1909 – 5 November 1979, USA), a comics creator and humorist.

He began working in syndicated features in 1932 and in 1933 he became an assistant for Ham Fisher (24 September 1900 – 27 December 1955) on ‘Joe Palooka’.

(Capp once introduced some loutish hillbilly characters while Fisher was on vacation, leading Fisher to believe that Capp’s later success was based on plagiarism.)

In 1934, he created the feature for which he is widely known, ‘Li’l Abner’. He wrote the strip and drew it (with assistants) for more than 40 years, until 1977.

Capp received the National Cartoonists Society Reuben Award in 1947 and their Elzie Segar Award for lifetime achievement in 1979.

Comics creator Elliot Caplin (25 December 1913 – 20 February 2000) was his brother.

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