afNews 25 Settembre 2022 10:54

Anniversari: Jacques Martin b.1921, Massimo Mattioli b.1943, Gigi Piras b.1965 segnala: Jacques Martin (25 September 1921 – 21 January 2010, France) was one of the best-known artists of the Clear Line (or ‘ligne claire’) school of comics exemplified by Hergé and Willie Vandersteen.

He created ‘The Adventures of Alix’ first in “Tintin” in late 1948 and for fifty years continued to write and draw stories of the Gallo-Roman youth, set in the late Roman Republic. In 1978, the story “Alix: Le spectre de Carthage” won the award for best French realistic comic book at Angoulême. In 1989, the story “Alix: Le cheval de Troie” won the BD d’Or at the Salon Européen de la BD (in Grenoble).

Martin created another well-received character in the contemporary journalist “Lefranc” in 1952. Later he collaborated with others to create the medieval architect “Jhen” (1978), the French revolutionary officer “Arno” (1984), the Athenian “Orion” (1990), the Egyptian “Keos” (1992), and “Loïs”, set in the court of Louis the Sun King of France (2003).

Also in 2003, Jacques Martin was awarded the Grand Prix Saint-Michel (in Brussels) for the three series “Alix”, “Lefranc”, and “Jhen”.

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In the GCD — segnala: Massimo Mattioli  (25 September 1943 – 23 August 2019) was a comics creator whose career began in 1965 in the Italian comics magazine “Il Vittorioso”.

Living in London in the late 1960s, he published cartoons in “Mayfair”, “Playboy”, and other magazines. Living in Paris in the early 1970s, he created the feature ‘M le Magicien’ in “Pif”.

Back in Italy in 1973, he began a long relationship with “Il Giornalino” by creating his famous children’s feature ‘Pinky’ (1973–2014).

He is a co-founder of two alternative magazines, “Cannibale” (1977–1979), for which he created the science-fiction feature ‘Joe Galaxy’ (1979–1993), and its successor “Frigidaire” (1980–2008), where he created ‘Squeak the Mouse’ (1984–1992).

Mattioli received a Yellow Kid award at Lucca in 1975, the Prix Romics d’Oro at Rome in 2009 for ‘Pinky’, and the Prix Mucheluzzi at Naples in 2010, also for ‘Pinky’.

At Comiclopedia —
In the GCD — segnala: Gigi Piras (born 25 September 1965, Italy)

At Comiclopedia —

Jacques Martin 1995 – foto Gianfranco Goria

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