Boys of Steel: i creatori di Superman!

Un libro dedicato ai creatori di Supeman? Certo! Se lo meritano, quei ragazzi che nel 1934 crearono un eroe destinato a vivere a lungo, ceduto inizialmente per quattro soldi. Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman è il volumetto di Marc Tyler NoblemanRoss MacDonald per l'editore Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers. Una piccola cosa, curiosa... Per scoprire di più, potete curiosare nel blog di Marc Tyler Nobleman e in questa intervista on line. Mentre facendo click qui potete vedere varianti della copertina e bozze.

Nobleman "Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, two misfit teens in Depression-era Cleveland, were more like Clark Kent—meek, mild, and myopic—than his secret identity, Superman. Both boys escaped into the worlds of science fiction and pulp magazine adventure tales. Jerry wrote stories, and Joe illustrated them. In 1934, they created a superhero who was everything they were not. It was four more years before they convinced a publisher to take a chance on their Man of Steel in a new format—the comic book. The author includes a provocative afterword about Jerry and Joe’s long struggle with DC Comics when they realized they had made a mistake in selling all rights to Superman for a mere $130! Marc Tyler Nobleman’s text captures the excitement of Jerry and Joe’s triumph, and the energetic illustrations by Ross MacDonald, the author-artist of Another Perfect Day, are a perfect complement to the time, the place, and the two young visionaries..." More: Amazon.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Lunedì, 4/8/2008
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