Arrivano i film Disney in streaming via web!

Wow! I film Disney trasmessi integralmente in streaming via Internet? Certo, lo avevamo anticipato su afNews e ci siamo quasi. Ma, per ora, sembra sarà ancora una prerogativa destinata agli statunitensi (o meglio, a chi apparirà come tale attraverso il proprio IP, la stringa che identifica il provider che state usando per collegarvi a Internet).

 " announced today that for the first time ever the site will stream full-length movies online, featuring selections from the Wonderful World of Disney. The films will first air on ABC as part of the networks weekly Wonderful World of Disney presentation on Saturday nights throughout summer 2008. The full-length films will then be available for free streaming on for the week following the network presentation (Monday - Friday). "Streaming full-length films on takes our commitment to delivering world-class online entertainment to the next level," stated Paul Yanover, executive vice president and managing director, Disney Online. "This is a wonderful partnership with ABC, and just another example of how Disney's unmatched, high-quality content can be leveraged on multiple platforms." Wonderful World of Disney television and online schedule ..." Full article: businesswire.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Giovedì, 12/6/2008
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