Infine una donna scrive Wonder Woman!

Newsweek - Wonder WomanLa stampa americana non ha mancato di evidenziare l'evento epocale: per la prima volta in 66 anni, la serie Wonder Woman ha un'autrice fissa, Gail Simone. Fin qui, la famosa super eroina era sempre stata scritta con regolarità da maschi. Potete leggere il commento completo di NewsWeek facendo click sull'immagine qui accanto.

 "When the novelist Jodi Picoult was approached in 2006 to write a few installments of the "Wonder Woman" comic-book series, her impulse was to dress the character in something besides that clearly unsupportive red and gold bustier. "As any woman writer would know," she opines in the introduction to a collection of the comics, "it's impossible to fight crime without straps." The editors at DC Comics vetoed her request, but Picoult sneaked in her point anyway. In a scene set in a bar frequented by comic-book fans, a tipsy customer muses about how Wonder Woman manages to "fight crime in a freaking bikini." Such is the irony of the planet's premier female superhero. Though she was featured on the first issue of Ms. Magazine under the headline WONDER WOMAN FOR PRESIDENT, she's been written, for most of her 66 years, by a man..." Full article: NewsWeek.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Giovedì, 10/1/2008
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