Cartoonists Rights Network South East Europe

"Cartoonists Rights Network South East Europe" is one network of national "Cartoonists Rights Network" organizations, for defense freedom of speech of Balkan editorial cartoonists and for develop the friendship and collaboration between all Balkan cartoonists. We propose to:
1) Promote, together, the Balkan Cartoon.

2) Develop regionally based strategies that empower editorial cartoonists economically, educationally, legally and as an effective and sustained force in the region's media landscape.

3) Set the stage for a longer-term regional project in institution building and free speech strategies for editorial and social cartoonists.

4) Develop ways of easing the isolation of cartoonists on a regional basis and thereby remove constraints to freer expression

5) Strengthen old and develop new channels of marketing, education and information sharing for editorial cartoonists.

6) Develop the network CRN in all Balkan countries.

More about us you can see at our site:

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Mercoledì, 25/7/2001
© copyright afNews/Goria/Autore - ISSN 1971-1824 - cod-Notizie

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