Cartoonists Rights Network

This is to announce that the Cartoonists Relief Network has changed its name to Cartoonists Rights Network.
It's more descriptive of what we do.  Defending rights is a lot more proactive than providing relief, though we have in no way changed our commitment to the well-being of editorial cartoonists in trouble. Robert Russell, Director Cartoonists Rights Network, #308 1111 Arlington Blvd. Arlington, VA 22209  USA, Tel: 703 528 2306, Fax: 703 527 8383 Attention: Malie. Visit us at:
Cartoonists Rights Network's main sources for "Alerts" information:  International Freedom of Expression Exchange Clearing House,  Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters sans Fronteriers, Human Rights Watch, World Association of Newspapers. Many more of our organizational contacts including regional human rights and journalism agencies in Asia, Africa and South America can be found on the IFEX site. All information is from reliable sources.  When ever possible, we make direct contact the editor or cartoonist involved and some material comes directly from the cartoonist involved.

(Robert Russell)

Il Cartoonists Relief Network cambia nome e si adegua alla sua missione: ora č il Cartoonists Rights Network, sempre su per denunciare soprusi, violenze e infamie ai danni di fumettisti e vignettisti nel mondo e per dare aiuto alle loro famiglie quando, purtroppo, serve.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Domenica, 26/12/1999
© copyright afNews/Goria/Autore - ISSN 1971-1824 - cod-Notizie

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