Werther Dell'Edera a Reggio Calabria
Riceviamo da Antonio Marra: Sabato 24 Novembre 2007 alle ore 16:00 Werther Dell'Edera incontra tutti gli appassionati, fans e semplici curiosi da Fumettopoli, libreria specializzata situata in via Spagnolo 1/ i - Reggio Calabria Tel 0965 810665. In anteprima mondiale, in omaggio una litografia di Costantine numerata ed autografata. Conosciamo Werther Dell'Edera - Divenuto in poco tempo disegnatore di livello internazionale, inizialmente ha realizzato Road's End per Magic Press. Successivamente ha ... articolo completo: click l'immagine di questo articolo.

 We receive from Antonio Marra: Werther Dell'Edera will meet both comic fans and simple onlookers in Fumettopoli, a comic shop located in Via Spagnolio 1/i - Reggio Calabria – phone: 0965810665. For the first time ever, a free Constantine numbered and signed print will be distributed. About Werther Dell'Edera. Elevated in e brief time to a world wide level, he started drawing "Road's End" for Magic Press. Then he drew "Detective Dante" #3, #10, #12 (story by Roberto Recchioni), 30 pages circa in #16 (story by Bartoli) and #17 (story by Recchioni). Even art in John Doe #34 and #43 was by him (story by Recchioni). All of these for Eura Editoriale. Recently, Loveless #2 was published in Italy, containing the first 2 issue (of 8) with art by Dell'Edera and story by Eisner Award winner Azzarello and created for DC brand "Vertigo", the same branch where masterpieces as The Sandman, and Hellblazer (acclaimed series the inspired "Constantine", the Hollywood movie with Keanu Reeves) were born. His collaboration was important for the success of "Garret", created by Roberto Recchioni; a story of love, friendship and treason, set in a crepuscular West infested by zombies (Edizioni BD). Currently, Dell’Edera is working on various projects and, among them, a “Hellblazer” (Constantine) book. Contacts: E-mail: info@fumettopoli.net Phone: +390965810665.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Sabato, 17/11/2007
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