Concorso Buon Compleanno Andersen
Concorso - clickLa Compagnia degli Gnomi ha indetto il concorso gratuito per racconti e illustrazioni Buon Compleanno Andersen! 2007 - "3 Misteri". Scadenza 1° marzo 2007. Potete scaricare il bando facendo click sull'immagine qui a fianco.

 We received: Theatre Company and Cultural Association La Compagnia degli Gnomi - Perugia - Italy, organizes a contest for short stories and illustations, as a part of the event “Buon Compleanno Andersen! 2007” (Happy Birthday Andersen!). The term for inscriptions is the 1st of March, 2007. Citizens of any country, past the age of 18, can take part in the contest. There will be no entry fee for authors/illustrators. Prizes will consist in the promotion (publication, exhibition) of the works and authors. Topics: “Fantastic Mystery” “Eros Mystery” “Theatre Mystery”. The award cerimony will take place on Sunday, 1st of April 2007 in Perugia. A jury of experts will award prizes to a short story and an illustration. The jury reserves the right to assign special prizes. The event and contest’s objective is to: promote young artists and authors following the “1805/2005 Buon Compleanno Andersen!” event, which celebrated 200 years from the writer’s birth, to continue promoting knowledge of Hans Christian Andersen’s life and works, of the fairy-tellers’ tradition and of its influence on contemporary art and literature, also among the adult public. Contestants may participate in both sections (short stories and illustrations). INFO:

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Sabato, 17/2/2007
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