Rupert Bear, Punch and much more - The Art of Alfred Bestall

Mostra, conferenze e iniziative varie, dall'8 febbraio al 20 aprile 2005 per onorare la memoria dell'orsetto Rupert (1920, cui è dedicato un museo a Canterbury ed è oggetto di collezionismo) di Mary Tourtel e di Alfred Bestall, che continuò la serie dal 1935, al Museo del Cartoon Art Trust a Londra. Info:

 Exhibition, 8 February – 30 April 2005. For the British, Rupert is an institution – like the Queen. Britain just wouldn’t be the same without him. Sir Paul McCartney. What [Mary Tourtel] originated, and Alfred Bestall sustained so brilliantly, wasn’t simply a delightful bear with a special personality, it was a whole imaginative world. Gyles Brandreth. In 1935 The Daily Express was in a fix. Mary Tourtel, Rupert’s creator, was retiring due to failing eyesight. Who could take over drawing Rupert? They were fortunate in their choice of Alfred Bestall, illustrator and cartoonist for Punch and The Tatler. So successful was Bestall that soon children were writing in to the paper and responding to Rupert’s adventures in a way they hadn’t for some time. Bestall’s Rupert led a very active life for a young bear. He climbed mountains, travelled the globe, took to the air in planes, helicopters, balloons – even a flying bird’s nest - and encountered all manner of exciting and magical characters. Bestall wrote and illustrated over 270 stories over the next 30 years, never missing a day. (The strip was only squeezed out three times: once to give way to a wartime speech by Churchill, once when Kennedy was assassinated and once when Pope John died.) Rupert even survived wartime austerity. The Express’s Lord Beaverbrook insisted he was crucial for morale and managed to get precious paper to print the Rupert annuals, which had first appeared in 1936. Bestall’s final story, ‘Rupert and the Winkybickies’, ended on 22 July 1965. He continued to draw the memorable annual covers and endpapers until 1973 and was still contributing drawings in 1982 when he was 90. Rupert Bear, Punch and much more: The Art of Alfred Bestall, marks the 70th anniversary of Bestall’s taking over as Rupert artist. The exhibition includes original Rupert artwork by Bestall from six decades, including his atmospheric scenes of Nutwood where Rupert and his chums lived, and story sequences never exhibited before. Amongst the works on show is the famous Frog Chorus which inspired Paul McCartney to write the 1984 hit, ‘We all stand together’. The exhibition shows the full range of Bestall’s art, including joke cartoons for Punch and his beautiful colour illustrations for The Tatler. A series of talks and events accompanies the exhibition. The exhibition will be opened by Gyles Brandreth at the private view on 8 February (6.30-8.30pm). Admission Free. Open: Tue – Sat, 10 am to 5 pm. For further information or images please contact Anita O'Brien on 0207 278 7172

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Venerdì, 4/2/2005
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