Festival of cartoon Art 2004
James Gillray. A Voluptuary under the Horrors of Digestion, pub. July 2, 1792.Riceviamo da Amy McCrory, archivista della Cartoon Research Library della Ohio State University, segnalazione del Festival of Cartoon Art 2004, che avrà come tema censura, autocensura e controllo editoriale. L'iniziativa avrà luogo il 15 e 16 ottobre 2004, con interessanti interventi sceintifici fra cui citiamo quello sulle opere controverse di Milton Caniff e quello sul caricaturista britannico James Gillray.

 "The 2004 Festival of Cartoon Art: Deletions, Omissions, and Erasures," will take place at The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library, Columbus, OH, on October 15-16.  Cartoonists and editors will discuss censorship, self-censorship, and editorial control in a series of lectures and panels.  The Festival will be accompanied by two exhibits. "Gillray's Legacy" features the work of James Gillray, Georgian England's great caricaturist, and examines his impact on American cartoonists.  "Drawing Fire: Controversial Cartoons by Milton Caniff," presents examples of Caniff's controversial comic strips, accompanied by fan letters written in response to them. For more information about the festival, including a list of speakers, see: www.lib.ohio-state.edu/cgaweb/FCA/index.htm.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Mercoledì, 18/8/2004
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