Lepage alla Galleria Maghen, insieme a Serpieri

planche originale : Serpieri Emmanuel Lepage è in mostra alla Galleria Maghen fino al 2 luglio 2004. E' ancora in mostra anche Serpieri con Druuna e altro. Info: www.danielmaghen.com

 Starting 11th June till 2nd July, the galery will expose the artwork of Emmanuel Lepage, a retrospective of his last 15 years.  The contents of the artwork will consist of 30 original comic pages et drawings of Muchacho, several comic pages of Névé and many other drawings. Lepage will be present 19th June from 2pm till 7pm to sign his books. For this special event the galery will also publish a portfolio "VOYAGES" containing 15 numbered and signed drawings signed by Lepage himself. We will as well pay special attention to René Follet.  We will expose lots of his original comic pages and drawings from Terreur and Ikar. Let's not forget that any visit to our galery is worthwhile as you will have the opportunity to admire comic pages from Druuna by Serpieri and the artwork from Thibert from his work performed in "Le marteau des sorcières". Info: www.danielmaghen.com

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Domenica, 6/6/2004
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