Hergé e Jacobs in mostra a Bruxelles

CBBD > www.cbbd.beIl Centro belga del fumetto, col suo museo, rappresenta un appuntamento obbligato per chi visita Bruxelles da appassionato di fumetti, e di visitatori ne conta 250.000 l'anno. Il 18 maggio 2004 il CBBD inaugura un nuovo spazio, l'Area Hergé, dedicato al creatore della classica serie Tintin. La facciata ricostruita del castello di Moulinsart (dimora di Haddock, Tintin e Girasole) e una serie di accorgimenti tecnologici, realizzati in collaborazione con chi gestisce i diritti di Tintin (la Fondazione Hergé e la società azionaria Moulinsart, di cui si è parlato spesso in questi ultimi tempi per i suoi ripetuti attacchi legali mirati a far chiudere i siti amatoriali dedicati alle parodie di Tintin, e le edizioni Casterman). La struttura dovrebbe diventare permanente, nonostante si sia spesso vociferato circa l'intenzione della Fondazione Hergé di creare un proprio museo interamente dedicato a Tintin che, in tal caso, diventerebbe il primo pericoloso concorrente del CBBD. Ma in attesa dei futuri sviluppi, gli appassionati potranno gustarsi l'esposizione permanente su Tintin nello storico museo e la mostra temporanea dedicata al grande Jacobs (il creatore della serie Blake et Mortimer), "Jacobs' Century - a biographical exhibition", inziata il 23 marzo e che durerà fino al 12 settembre 2004, ricca di originali e documenti rari, e della quale potete già ammirare delle foto nel sito Auracan. Info: www.comicscentre.net - www.jacobs2004.com

CBBD > www.cbbd.be 18 May 2004: Inauguration of a new Hergé Area at the Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art. From the very beginning, Hergé and his work have played a large part in the history of the Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art. Nobody can deny that Tintin is a major force of attraction to all our visitors (250,000 annually, half of which come from abroad)! In May, four days before Georges Remi's birthday (Hergé was born on 22nd May 1907), the Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art will inaugurate a new Hergé Area. This area will become part of the permanent exhibition called 'the Museum of the Imagination'. The reorganization takes place in collaboration with the Hergé / Moulinsart Foundation and Castermann publishing. It fits in with a series of festivities to celebrate Tintin's 75th birthday. The eye-catcher will undoubtedly be the façade of Moulinsart castle at the centre of the area. Situated on the first floor at the Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art, this façade will be visible from most areas of the building. The purpose of this new set-up is to enable visitors to appreciate which qualities were at the basis of Hergé's success. By means of modern techniques, an introduction and history of the invention of Tintin by Hergé will be shown on the façade's front, while narrative techniques and the importance of research in Hergé's work will be explained on the back. From Tuesday 18th May 2004 this area, about which expectations are running high, will be part of the standard tour for everybody holding an entrance ticket to the Belgian Centre for Comic Strip Art.
From 23rd March to 12th September 2004. Jacobs's Century A biographical exhibition. On the occasion of the centenary of EP Jacobs's birth (Brussels, 1904-1987), the Belgian Comicscentre will organize a major exhibition in honour of the spiritual father of Blake & Mortimer. This will be an excellent opportunity to discover Jacobs's varied talents: as painter, illustrator, actor, opera singer, scenographer… All before he became one of the world's major comic strip artists. In the exhibition Jacobs's rich and varied life will be retraced step by step. What's more, he spent his entire life collecting memorabilia: school notebooks, wigs and make-up, theatrical weapons, sketches, photographs, scale-models, letters, notes, documentation… A veritable biographer's dream! World politics, cultural life and art leave indelible traces on a person's life. By placing EP Jacobs's life in a historical framework, the author is given a proper place in history. In this way, links are constantly drawn between a personal life story and the history of the past century.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Giovedì, 13/5/2004
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