Salon du Livre de Paris: le foto
(c) Laurent Melikian > www.afnews.infoIl nostro corrispondente Laurent Melikian ci invia un nuovo photo-reportage dal Salon du Livre de Paris del quale vi abbiamo parlato a suo tempo su afNews. Molti gli autori di fumetti ospiti del prestigioso salone del libro; fra questi potete vedere Denis Lapiére, Duchazeau, Fabien Velhman, Edika, Ednane Ziane, Frédéric Beigbeder, Gradimir Smudja, Grégory Jarry, Jean-Claude Djian, Jean Teulé, Jenfèvre, Jerome Aragnou, Paul Teng, Silvio Cadelo, Stassen, Stéphane Créty, Sylvain Cordurié, Thierry Gioux. Click sulla foto per vedere il servizio. Per vedere tutti i servizi di Melikian da noi ospitati basta invece fare click sul suo nome.
 March 20th 2004. Le Salon du Livre de Paris is the greatest public event in edition in France. This year it was held during 6 days and gathered 200 000 visitors. Comics was represented by all the major french editors. One of them didn't come AlbertRené (Asterix). The company ran by Sylvie Uderzo (Albert's daughter) decided not to take a booth while it had been a great supporter of the event during three years with original exhibit and auction sales for the support of alphabetization. In the daily France-Soir, Sylvie Uderzo said that the organization of the festival was too snobbish to be concerned about comics. It was noticeable that no real exhibit was organized this year, for example China was the invited country with exhibits, debates, etc.. but nothing about chinese Silvio Cadelo - (c) Laurent Melikian > www.afnews.infocomics. Anyway, the fair gave the oportunity for the comics critics affiliated to the ACBD ( Association des Critiques et Journalistes spécialisés en Bandes Dessinées - now 80 members) to celebrate it's 20th birthday. Each year the association awards a comics album with le Prix de la Critique. There, the critics gave the award of the awards among the 20 first Prix de la Critique. And the winner is : "Le Bar du Vieux Français" by Jean-Philippe Stassen et Denis Lapière. The two belgian authors received the award from the hands of Jean Teulé who was the first awarded for "Bloody Mary" in 1984. He has now stopped drawing comics and is now a well renown writer and film maker. With "Le Bar du Vieux Français" Jean-Philippe Stassen drawned his first african story. Since then he is the authors of three other masterpieces "Deogratias", "Pawa" and "Les Enfants" more or less related to the genocide in Ruanda. Denis Lapière is still a major comics story writer, most of his work is published by Dupuis. His web site :  Laurent Melikian. [Just click the photo to see the reportage. To see all Melikian's reportages just click on his name.]

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Giovedì, 25/3/2004
© copyright afNews/Goria/Autore - ISSN 1971-1824 - cod-Foto

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