Porto Cartoon Festival
Riceviamo: We are very pleased to invite you to participate at VI PortoCartoon World Festival. This is the biggest cartoon festival in Iberian Peninsula and it takes part in the distinction that the National Printing Press Museum gives to cartoon as an artistic and journalistic language. The PortoCartoon World Festival have been growing every year and in 2003 received about 1600 cartoons, from 504 cartoonists from 60 countries. This and the value of the prizes have made PortoCartoon one of the world most important contests of cartoon. The Portuguese Republic President, Jorge Sampaio, inaugurated the Portocartoon World Festival first edition in 1999, and on its sixth edition the theme will be “Sports and Society”, with reference to the European Football Championship (Euro 2004) to be held in Portugal and the Olimpic Games in Athens. It will also have a free category, as per the last editions, that pretends to cover political, economic and other international events. The deadline for acceptance of the works will be 16th February of 2003. Rules are at www.imultimedia.pt/museuvirtpress/eventuais/pc/VI/rules.html. Info: National Printing Museum museuimprensa@mail.telepac.pt - www.imultimedia.pt/museuvirtpress.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Lunedì, 1/12/2003
© copyright afNews/Goria/Autore - https://www.afnews.info ISSN 1971-1824 - cod-Festival

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