Il fumetto fa male? Una rivisitazione dell'opera di Wertham

Seduction of the Innocent by Fredric Wertham, 1954 - imgcollection G.GoriaNel 1954 uscì il famoso Seduction of the Innocent (di cui vedete a fianco una copia) dello psicologo Fredric Wertham. Qui si accusava un certo tipo di fumetto di influire in modo nefasto sullo sviluppo psicologico del bambino. Ora un saggio di A. Davis Lewis cerca di fare il punto sulla figura del professor Wertham al di là delle conseguenze negative portate a suo tempo da una lettura integralista del suo libro (i processi, le condanne televisive, l'instaurazione del codice morale ecc.), per estrarne ciò che di positivo invece vi era contenuto, ma senza revisionismo: ci riesce? Era integralista solo la lettura del libro o l'autore stesso? Una breve e significativa presentazione la si trova su Sequential Tart.

Fredric Wertham - imgcollection G.Goria Received by CNF/AF: Just a quick note: is now running in its "Redirected Male" section my article entitled "Seduction of the Insolent (or, Retraction of the Innocent)" dealing with the rumors and reality of Frederic Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent. The piece is more an essay than a formal, academic article, but it was a topic that needed, I felt, at least a temporary home and forum on the internet until I develop it further. If anybody is curious or would like to discuss it further, it is available for viewing at: Much thanks to Scott McCloud (though I, admittedly, take him to task on the matter) and Amy Nyberg for their works that provided the initial direction of the piece, some time ago. P.S. I have already contacted the editor to ask for a correction: I have an article under consideration, not pending publication, with The Journal of Popular Culture -- felt like an important distinction to make, rather than be so presumptuous. A. David Lewis, M.A., Coordinator, Graduate Admissions & Outreach, Georgetown School of Nursing & Health Studies.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Venerdì, 3/1/2003
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