Zograf al Cartoon Art Museum
Emails aus Serbien. Tägliche Augenzeugenberichte während des Kosovokrieges von März bis Juni 1999.Alberto Ghé segnala questa presentazione di Aleksandar Zograf al Cartoon Art Museum: The Cartoon Art Museum is proud to welcome Serbian cartoonist, Aleksandar Zograf to the United States for a presentation slide show and discussion of his artwork currently on exhibition.  The presentation will take place Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 7:00 pm followed by a reception at the Cartoon Art Museum.  The presentation and reception are free and open to the public.  This exhibition is sponsored by The ArtsLink Partnership, a program of CEC International Partners. The exhibition at the Museum, DREAMTIME/WARTIME: THE COMICS OF ALEKSANDAR ZOGRAF, will be on display February 16, 2002 through April 14, 2002 and features examples of "Regards from Serbia," as well as original art from his other publications including "Dream Watcher," "Life Under Sanctions," and his mini-comics.  Books available for signing include, Psychonaut and Dreamtime/Wartime: the comics of Aleksandar Zograf (exhibition catalogue).
Cartoon Art Museum  655 Mission Street  San Francisco, CA 94105, 415-CAR-TOON www.cartoonart.org Hours:   Tues.  Sun. 11:00 - 5:00, Closed Monday
General Admission: $5.00  Student/Senior $3.00  Children 6-12: $2.00 Members and Children under 6: Free

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Venerdì, 15/3/2002
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