The Will Eisner Seminar

GB Carpi incontra Will Eisner, Lucca - foto GoriaDopo essere intervenuto all'università di Yale ( lo scorso novembre, il grande Will Eisner è ora protagonista di un notevolissimo seminario sul fumetto presso l'Università della Florida, il 20 e 21 febbraio 2002, insieme agli altri autori (citati nella versione in inglese): The Will Eisner Seminar.

The University of Florida Comics Conference 2002: The Will Eisner Seminar. The University of Florida's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the nascent Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere, are pleased to announce the 2002 UF Comics Conference,The Will Eisner Seminar. This new conference, on the art and literature of the comics medium, will be an annual event at the University of Florida. The inaugural topic, in honor of Will Eisner, will be "The Graphic Novel: Form and Function." Bringinging together artists and academics, the seminar will be held at the University of Florida on Febuary 20th and 21st, 2002. Participants for the Seminar are artists Will Eisner, Joe Sacco, Eddie Campbell, Daniel Clowes, and Terry Zwigoff, along with comic scholars Thomas Inge, Rusty Witek, and Donald Ault.
The Will Eisner Seminar is sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida, along with the UF Department of English, and the nascent Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere.
Info: UF Comics Conference 2002 - The Will Eisner Seminar
Department of English, PO Box 117310, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-7310. Email submissions of abstracts, or questions about the conference, may be sent to [Dr. Donald Ault].

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Mercoledì, 9/1/2002
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