Concorso: The second International Ploiesti Cartoon Festival
The second International Ploiesti Cartoon Festival .
A) Deadline: June, 1, 2002  
B) Theme: "Freedom and Journalism"  
C) Size: Maximum A3 (30 x 42cm)  
D) Each artist can send an unlimited number of works, but only five at the maximum will be considered.  
E) The artists who do not wish to compete can send their works to the "Extra Competition Section" informing of this decision.  
F) Works must be originals, using any technique, black and white or in colors and bearing on the backside title, name, age and address. The author's photo or caricature and a short biography in English should accompany the works.  
G) The works should present on the reverse the following information: name and address of the author and title.  
H) The works should be sent to:
     Nicolae Ionita
     Str-Eminescu, Nr-28A, Sc-A, Ap-27, 2000-Ploiesti, ROMANIA 
 I) The awards will be the following:
     - Great Prize: 1000 US Dollars
     - First Prize: 500 US Dollars
     - Second Prize: 300 US Dollars
     - Third Prize: 200 US Dollars 
 J) Each participating artist will receive, free of charge, the color exhibition catalogue. 
 K) The winners will be announced on a public ceremony to take place at the beginning or at the end of the Ploiesti Cartoon Festival. 
 L) Participants may, if they wish to do so, leave the cartoons to the Cartoon Museum, which will be established by CRN Romania. 
 (The catalogue for first edition of International Ploiesti Cartoon Festival will be published until the finished of February, 2002. You can see all about first edition of "Festival Cartoon Ploiesti, 2001" at:


Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Lunedì, 31/12/2001
© copyright afNews/Goria/Autore - ISSN 1971-1824 - cod-Notizie

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