12 Luglio 2017 07:56

Intervista a Chris Roberson su Hellboy

Secrets In The Sea For The B.P.R.D by Vince Brusio.
Hellboy finds himself embroiled in the turmoil of the Cold War in Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. — Occult Intelligence from Dark Horse Comics, and we’ve got writer Chris Roberson on board to give us an exclusive interview for the book. The debate this time is what constitutes “intelligence.” Is the thing slipping under the ocean intelligent? Is it intelligent to find out? In this latest Hellboy series, Chris Roberson explains there may be a new way of looking at the occult…: Secrets In The Sea For The B.P.R.D – Previews World

Fonte: https://previewsworld.com/Article/196761

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