8 Agosto 2016 13:28

Cosa c’era di così grande nell’universo animato DC? Praticamente tutto

Se lo è chiesto Parkin su CBR e le sue risposte sono state: personaggi e storie forti, toni diversi e qualità costante, qualcosa di vecchio e qualcosa di nuovo, ritorno alle origini, lezioni per il futuro…

For nearly a decade and a half, the DC Animated Universe — sometimes called the “Timmverse” or “Diniverse” — could seemingly do no wrong as it distilled decades-old characters to their essence and presented familiar stories in new ways.These beloved TV shows introduced a new generation to the heroes of the DC Universe using an adult sensibility but still maintaining an all-ages approach. Little Jimmy might watch to see Batman in action against insanely fun villains, while mom and dad tuned in to enjoy the quality storylines and near-flawless visual design.From…

Leggi e vedi tutto il resto su: What Was So Great About the DC Animated Universe? Just About Everything | Comic Book Resources


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