23 Giugno 2016 14:15

Mike Lynch: quando Martin Landau era un fumettista

Lo sapevi? Non lo sapevi? In ogni caso, Mike ti svela il passato da cartoonist del famoso attore Martin Landau:

Maybe you know this and maybe it’s news to you, but actor Martin Landau was a staff cartoonist at the New York Daily News in the 1940s. He was just a kid, assisting other cartoonists (the Daily News’ theatrical caricaturist Horace Knight and, later on, THE GUMPS cartoonist Gus Edson) and thinking that he would maybe be a pro one day. Actually, he was; he assisted Edson for several years in the late 1940s, graduating from drawing backgrounds and lettering to drawing THE GUMPS Sunday pages.

Leggi il resto su: Mike Lynch Cartoons: When Martin Landau Was a Cartoonist
