6 Marzo 2015 19:01

Urgente per gli autori di fumetti!


Gli Autori di fumetti che ci seguono dovrebbero aver già letto la notizia qui su afNews (più di una volta, su afNews.info, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ ecc.) e, speriamo, essersi attivati.
Quelli iscritti a un sindacato di categoria dovrebbero anch’essi aver ricevuto al notizia.
Ma, giacché è meglio abbondare che essere deficienti, afNews vi riporta qui integralmente il messaggio urgente che l’eurodeputato addetto alla revisione del Diritto di Autore, Julia Reda, ha pubblicato e al quale gli autori devono rispondere (senza por tempo in mezzo) se vogliono che i propri interessi vengano presi in considerazione. Autore avvisato, mezzo salvato. Buona lettura!

The EU will make a proposal for copyright reform this year. On behalf of the European Parliament, I am currently working on an evaluation of the current EU rules. The stakeholders whose voices are loudest in the debate are the rightholders – the voices of creators themselves are heard much less.

Do the plans of the collecting societies really reflect the interests of all artists? Are they satisfied with the legislative status quo? Do they really want to re-negotiate the rights for their works for each country or would they prefer a single European market? Are they really opposed to remixes? What would their priorities be when it comes to updating the copyright framework?

The demands that dominate the current discourse are in many cases diametrically opposed: Distributors want new sources of funding and strict punishments for those breaking the law. Users want broad access to information and an end to the criminalization of their everyday behaviour. Creators often find themselves caught in the middle.

That is why I call upon creatives to give me your opinion:

Let me know what you would think: What is important to you? What concrete problems do you as a creator face in your everyday work under the current copyright regime?

Note: Several collecting societies have called on their members to voice general disagreemend with the report. Please do make sure to read this simple explainer first so you can be more specific on what exactly you disagree with.

Send an e-mail to julia.reda@ep.europa.eu
All your information will of course be treated confidentially!