16 Febbraio 2014 09:23

Il CBBD festeggia 25 anni!

Belgian Comicscenter Daniel Fouss The Swiss comic strip in Brussels 2

Ci scrive il Direttore del Centro del Fumetto Belga e condividiamo con voi la sua comunicazione:

The new year has started and for the Belgian Comic Strip Center this means as well the start of our anniversary year, for as you all know we will celebrate our 25th birthday on 3rd of October. I kindly invite you to discover the special event program on http://www.comicscenter.net/en/25-years-of-the-bcsc. The calender of our major temporary exhibitions for 2014 is equally available at http://www.comicscenter.net/en/exhibitions/coming-soon.
The first great temporary exhibition of 2014, “The Swiss comic in Brussels”, has opened last week. Besides I would like to inform you that we have managed to ask over 60% of our 200.000 visitors which is their country of residence. The result of these surveys can be found in the graph in attachment.
Thanks in advance for your interest!
Best regards,
Willem De Graeve

– Belgian Comicscenter The Swiss comic strip in Brussels PRESS
– Belgian Comicscenter origin visitors 2013

Belgian Comicscenter Daniel Fouss The Swiss comic strip in Brussels 1 Belgian Comicscenter Daniel Fouss The Swiss comic strip in Brussels 6 Belgian Comicscenter Daniel Fouss The Swiss comic strip in Brussels 3 Belgian Comicscenter Daniel Fouss The Swiss comic strip in Brussels 4 Belgian Comicscenter Daniel Fouss The Swiss comic strip in Brussels 5