16 Febbraio 2010 18:11

Mostra a fumetti su Martin Luther King, disponibile

toonseum Il museo del fumetto Toonseum ha organizzato una esposizione dedicata a Martin Luther King e la rende disponibile ai colleghi in giro per il mondo. Qui di seguito il loro comunicato.

Just received: “Hello museum friends, We are happy to offer our latest exhibit, Civil Rights Superheroes: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Montgomery story, to fellow comic and cartoon museums for travel. The exhibit features large blow ups of each page, a display of the original comic books in English, Spanish and Saudi, and a remarkable 20 foot timeline. The timeline traces the events in the comic book, the creation of the comic book, and the impact of the comic. The timeline features photographs, sketches, and researched documentation about the comic including letters by MLK related directly to the content and the comic itself! The quality and content of this exhibit have made me very proud. It is beautiful! Ill be glad to send pictures to anyone who wants them. The exhibit was researched  and curated by MLK Scholar Sylvia Rhor and is presented by the ToonSeum. All the pieces are mounted on foam core and light for traveling. We also would be willing to consider providing original files to be reproduced to the same specifications.  The exhibit fills our gallery nicely. We want to make this exhibit available to our friends at other cartoon and comic museums first at greatly reduced cost. If you are interested please email joe@toonseum.com. Thanks! Joe Wos, Executive Director, The ToonSeum – www.toonseum.org