Ne avevamo già parlato qui su afNews. Ci saranno ancora fumetti Disney negli USA? Se sì, chi gestirà la licenza? Ora ci si chiede come andrà a finire, tra Disney e Gemstone. Su Newsarama ecco le posizioni di Gary Leach e di Steve Geppi (il boss della Gemstone).
“Last Friday, Gary Leach, who has worked on Gemstone Disney editions for more than twenty years posted: Well, it didn’t even take two months, and some of you may already know that Gemstone is not renewing the Disney comics license, and won’t be putting out any more issues since the last ones that reached the shops (I don’t recollect the issue numbers). Disney is looking for someone else to take the license, and I believe they have some candidates, but nothing’s anything like nailed down at this point… Monday, Geppi countered the rumors with a posting Diamond’s Scoop website: In the past few days, there have been a number of rumors circulating about Gemstone Publishing. As has been the case with many businesses across a wide array of industries, there has been a reduction in staff at Gemstone, and this included the departure of many valued employees. This, however, is not the end of Gemstone Publishing, said Steve Geppi, President of Gemstone…” Full article: Newsarama.