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Grazie a te, Pascal

Pascal Lefèvre ha inviato a diversi di noi questa lettera, portatrice purtroppo di cattive notizie (riguardo i suoi reni affetti da rara malattia e la sua attuale aspettativa di vita), che condivido con tristezza con chi di voi lettori di afNews ha avuto il piacere di conoscere, personalmente o attraverso la sua opera, Pascal:

Unfortunately I have to deliver some sad news: in recent months my kidneys have deteriorated to such an extent that I am gradually getting into the danger zone. No specialist can tell how much time I’ve left. All my life I’ve been aware of my rare disease (which has hardly been researched), but it remains a bitter pill to swallow. Dialysis or transplantation could help, but are very drastic: you can no longer live the way you used to. Since I spent too much time in hospitals as a child and I don’t like to become dependent, I’m not choosing for such far-reaching medical treatments. I try to stretch my time with an adapted diet, because I’ve to arrange a number of things.
I am going to donate my extensive library and archive (negotiations are underway with the Flemish Heritage Library and Angoulême). My own art school and university have thwarted me too much to get anything. As I have no children, I will set up a fund with my name in the context of the King Bauduoin Foundation to preserve and make available my heritage, but also to deliver some (limited) support for research into rare diseases…
My very last contributions (for Marco’s ‘manga in europa’ book, for Malmö’s conference book) have been submitted.
I am quite happy with what I have been able to achieve, but I realize that it could have been more – if I had been given more research time and support from my institutions. I had to realize a lot in my spare time (see career overview in IJOCA or my profile on Lambiek comiclopedia).
Thank you for the good cooperation in the past and the pleasure to have known you.
Pascal Lefèvre

for overview of articles, presentations see my webpage

Alcuni articoli di afNews (volume 1) di o su Pascal Lefèvre, che potrebbero interessarti:

Pioniere nella ricerca sui fumetti viene nominato dottore onorario all’Università di Malmö

Attrezzi per analizzare il Fumetto

Professione fumetto e illustrazione: analisi dettagliata

Due nuove riviste accademiche dedicate al fumetto

Misteri fumettistici in cerca di risposta

Thierry Smolderen and Pascal Lefèvre at a comic conference in Cérisy-la-Salle (1988) – Photo from