Mel Casson passed away

Il cartoonist statunitense Mel Casson, creatore della serie Redeye, è morto all'età di 87 anni il 21 maggio 2008.

 "Cartoonist legend Mel Casson, the writer and illustrator of the comic strip “Redeye,” died on May 21 at his home in Westport, Conn. He was 87. For nearly 20 years, Mr. Casson illustrated “Redeye,” a parody strip about a 19th century tribe of Native Americans, for King Features Syndicate. When cartoonist Bill Yates, who wrote the “Redeye” scripts, retired in 1999, Mr. Casson assumed full writing and drawing duties of the strip. “King Features has been ..." Full article: KFS.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Sabato, 31/5/2008
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