Carla Hansen passed away...

CarlaFrank Madsen ci comunica che una delle più importanti autrici del nord Europa è morta a 95 anni venerdì scorso. E' Carla Hansen di cui potete leggere la biografia su

We receive from Frank Madsen: One of Denmark's and Europe's most succesful comic strip authors died on Friday, Dec. 6. Carla Hansen was 95 years and had been ill for some time. With her husband, Vilhelm Hansen, who died in 1992, she created the humour strip Rasmus Klump [Petzi], which first appeared in Danish newspapers November 17, 1951, distributed by the PIB Copenhagen Agency in Copenhagen. Drawn by Vilhelm Hansen and written by Carla Hansen, the Rasmus Klump strip told the adventures of the little bear Rasmus and his friends, Pingo the Penguin, Pelle the Pelican and the walrus Skaeg, sailing around the world with their ship, Mary. During the 50s and 60s, it was one of the most successful children's comic in the world. It has been published in 24 countries throughout Europe and Asia, and the books have sold well over 30 mio. copies. A biography in English can be read at the site of the Danish Comics Museum: More news at Seriejournalen Online: FRANK MADSEN Seriejournalen Online.

Articolo di afnews (se non altrimenti indicato) - Martedì, 11/12/2001
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